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Our forum is located at You must first register to post n you must no make posts to request invites. Also please read the Rules n Regulations before posting.
Please also bear in mind that forum registration is totally separate to Web2Messenger registration. A certain username on the forum may no be the same username on the main Web2Messenger site. This means you're gonna have to register separately n all.
You can visit our IRC channel in one of two ways:
- If you already have an IRC client such as mIRC you can connect to n join the #Web2Messenger channel. Clicking this link might also work: irc://
- If you dinny yet have an IRC client you can either download one n follow the previous option or use our Java client. To do so simply enter the nickname you'd like to be known by in the box below n hit the Join Chat button.
Please dinny join the channel simply to request invites. The members there are there for fun, no to hand out invites to everyone that comes along.